About Earl Boyd, founder of MentorMyBizness
An entrepreneur once characterized me as the “wise uncle” that knows a lot about everything. She said, “Talking with him (Earl Boyd) is like talking with a family member or trusted friend about what to do with my business idea, how do I make money and how do I make an impact. He’s the person you go to when you don’t know what to do (in business) and then he makes you believe that whatever it is you want to do, it’s possible.”
After thinking about her comment, and having time to reflect on my career endeavors, I graciously and humbly embraced the description, not because I know everything about the business. I am far from that. However, after 40 plus years of either being in business, advising businesses, or counseling entrepreneurs who are starting businesses, I have done a lot and seen a lot which gives me confidence in my knowledge about what to do and what not to do in business.
As far as the wise uncle trusted friend reference, that part describes me best. Starting a business or being a business owner in and of itself is a challenging task. In my work with entrepreneurs my approach is to provide you with substantive advice; that you can understand; delivered in a straightforward, personable style that allows you to walk away feeling confident and capable of doing what you want to do in your business.
For most of my working life, I have been an entrepreneur. After a brief career with IBM, I co-founded Boyd-Ivey and Associates (later named Boyd-Ivey Marketing), a marketing and manufacturers’ representative firm serving the health and beauty aids industry. During its tenure, the company provided various marketing, sales, and distribution services to industry manufacturers, facilitating their growth during the “boom” years for the industry. The company was known for its innovation and creativity in developing marketing and distribution strategies for its clients and the industry.
I have been fortunate to have great mentors/coaches/advisors during my career. I made my share of mistakes and bad decisions, however, they guided my development and helped me learn from mistakes while helping me avoid so many more. One of the greatest things I learned from all of them was how to help entrepreneurs become better and more successful.
For more than two decades I have coached and mentored hundreds of business owners helping them start or grow their businesses. In doing so, I have found there are consistent themes that are key in building a successful business and those themes guide my work with clients:
- Build a solid foundation grounded in business fundamentals
- Know how the money works
- Maximize your best growth opportunities
- Sharpen your business decision-making skills
- Adjust your mindset
Your decision to consider hiring a business coach is a good one. Your decision to hire one is the right one. I look forward to helping you build the business you and becoming the entrepreneur you want to be.